Tuesday, August 22, 2023


 Took a load to the dump... which made me get the pick up running.. had to chrge it, as forgot to put the solar thing back in the windshield... started right up..  had 2 fans that stopped working, 3 outside chairs that were broken and a Dyson that has been sitting in my garage for 12 years now and i finally faced the fact that, no, i am NOT going to get it someplace to get fixed.  It stopped sucking.... i had cleaned it, the filter and hose and nothing... and hosing down a fan cuz it is really dirty makes it no longer work, it was a try, but no.... AND had a bunch of dead sunflowers and other misc garden stuff that needed dumped..  Been watching UTube stamping videos... getting LOTS of ideas... there is a new catalog coming out 9-6  and the excitement is building.. lots of xmas things in it.  i have enough, but geez there are some really cute things... got desperate the other day and even cleaned house... :)  been making lots of cards, don't have a clue what i am going to do with all of them, but do enjoy putting together a new idea..

So i have really not been doing much at all, just your normal daily 'stuff'. reading the Covenant of Water and having a time with it, taking me FOREVER to finish it, but more than half way there, there are over 700 pages...( i keep missing the 'a' that little finger does not want to work, and having to go back and insert, BUT i DO have a puppers laying on my left side and sort of impeding movement.. Speaking of pups, he is doing so GOOD, stays with me most all the time. when i go outside to get something from the car or to go to the garbage cans.. mostly he thinks he is going to get to go in the car... sorry to disappoint...  and he is fast.... just turn yr back, unthinking and flash, he has yr sandwich off the desk, or has gotten in your drink, yummm, or the garbage, or the glasses of the bedside desk.. have to keep the doors to bathroom and my bedroom closed... and he knows to not go into brian's room unless invited, which is rarely.. and no potty mistakes.... rings that bell or if the door is open he throws himself against the screendoor.. Brian has him sitting, lay down, and shakes hands... and most often stays... like out of Brian's room or in the kitchen when we are  or i m leaving the house, into the garage... soooo, mostly overall am very pleased with his progress

Sweet, sweet boy

Take Care and God Bless All

And Blessings to Maui... feel so for those people... we were there in 1986 and it is indeed paradise

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