Thursday, May 16, 2024


 here Sade is at 5 weeks.  am going to see her saturday and am very excited but also a bit apprehensive.  have already committed to her and what if she does not bond with me? (she is the little one) 1st time i picked up Finn, he just cuddled right into my arms and i was his from the beginning... and am hoping that happens again..  she is over a pound now.. 5-2-24 she weighed 17.6.. was the latest update.. she's going to miss her sister..

we have had some great weather here.. been doing lots of yard work.. borders and watering.. reading.. found a Nicholas Sparks i have never read True Believer.  and also reading Jen Psaki book Say More  which is about communication really... but still interesting.

This is my mom and I in 1948, i would imagine i was getting on towards a year old.. and that was probably my grandpas car.  I remember Dad saying that they could not buy cars right after they got back home as there was no inventory because only tanks and jeeps were being made. so they had to use grandpas car for their honeymoon in  June 1946.. but maybe by the time of this picture he had gotten a used car somewhere.. He worked for the paper mill in Oregon City as his first job after the army.. i remember going by there for years after and it smelled so bad!!! when i was 3 they had moved to Garibaldi and he was driving log truck for the mill there.  There is no longer a mill there, but if you ever have been to or by Garibaldi there is a huge, tall smokestack that they left as a memorial to the mill, right as you are going into the town from the south.. on that big bend before getting into the town on the east side.. there is just a big bare area and marsh where the Nestucca pours into the Tillamook Bay..

76 out right now, it is just so nice out!!! and i have not had to have my heated blanket on at night either! Just got something on instagram, you know the useless things u send to your friends... "I hope the rest of your day is as pleasant as you are"  hahaha... knock on wood i have not run into crabby people lately, maybe as i am not in a hurry and am patiently going about my business and have not gone crossways of anyone...or not trying to get something out of anyone..

Neighbors lovely tree... have even walked around the block a couple times this week.  would not want to overdue you know...Hahahaha

Take Care All and God Bless


  1. The more you cuddle with the little one before taking her home, the more bonding you'll get. The little doxies are so cute as pups :-)

  2. Sade is soooo darling. I agree with Marlene. Lots and lots of cuddles and kisses. Which will be so easy to do.

  3. She will love you and we want to see more photos of her when you get her home!
