Every time lately that i see my grand-niece, Rylie, i can't believe how she is growing, taller. she has her hair dyed dark, she has the prettiest blond streaked hair.. but she wanted a change...
She is losing her puberty chub. and is just becoming quite the young woman/lady!!! Mostly she is helpful and cheerful, but has moments of teenage angst. Hahaha .. She plays in soccer, volleyball, basketball and soon baseball will be starting. she likes basketball best and is quite an aggressive/fast moving player... and it is a joy to watch her, this year they got so good playing as a team. next year 8th grade!! gets good grades too. mom sees to that, has to keep up with it all. she is on a two week Spring Break, TWO weeks.. hard to believe. we never got that much time off.. but we usually got out of school the end of May or 1st week in June. I think she has to go until mid June...
Needless to say, Sade is beside herself when Rylie comes to visit.. she had calmed down about 1/2 hour later, so i could get this perfect picture of both f them..
poor Jeri May is so very uncomfortable, the baby is head down, and she has an April 30 due date... has to pee all the time...
Rylie has always wanted a baby sibling, just hope that excitement and wanting keeps on as reality of a baby in the house hits them all.
Take Care All and God Bless
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